Review of Don't Run

The Flash: Don't Run (2017)
Season 4, Episode 9
Loved it!
7 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OH MY GOSH! Let me just say that I absolutely LOVED this episode. I figured that something big would happen, since usually the episode before Christmas break there does. For example, last season we found out that Iris West would be murdered by Savitar, the "Speed God." Of course that did not really happen, but it was still a huge discovery.

Anyway, I was shocked when Iris said that they should try to save Caitlyn first, since Barry is her husband. But, in my opinion, she made a good call. But also, why the heck does everyone treat her like the leader of the team?! It is called Team Flash, not Team Iris!

Then, Barry escaped from The Thinker, a.k.a. Clifford DeVoe, even though I'm sure that was his plan all along. He does have a super brain, and could have probably thought of every possible outcome.

I have to admit, even though I thought something big was going to happen, I did NOT expect this. DeVoe pretty much transferred his brain into our new character, Dominic's body. So, now, the body of DeVoe was dead. Then, what he did was he took his own dead body and stabbed it in the heart with one of the knives that Barry received for his wedding, then he left the body and knife on Barry's floor in his apartment. The police broke in, and there was a moment where Barry was about run away with his super speed, but then he stopped and said, "Don't run." So the police came in and saw the body and knife and arrested Barry. Now, what I don't understand is why he didn't run. So now, Barry is in jail, and DeVoe is disguised as the team's friend.

I rate this episode 9/10, because I thought it was AMAZING. The one thing I did not enjoy was Iris being the boss, but that's all. Overall, it was incredible.
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