If you like American Political History and the Nixon Years This Film is For You
1 October 2017
I liked it as the film adds to the discourse of the Nixon years, the most turbulent times in modern American history. So if you like American politics and history, you'll appreciate the film, which has good acting from the main lead character Irishman Liam Neeson as well as the supportive actors and the always gorgeous Diane Lane as the tormented wife of Mark Felt did really good to me.

Yes, it is true that there is a number of Americans, especially republicans who will forever hate the real Mark Felt, seeing him as the hugest rat and the most remarkable snitch who has ever walked on Earth, and ultimately as a who brought down the over-controlling presidency of Richard Nixon.

Other will love Mark Felt as a brave man who had no choice but to become an anonymous informant to the Washington Post in order to make the American people know the truth about their president.

Some others have even compared his actions to what in modern times have done Edgar Snowden, though snowden did not look for anonymity, Felt yes.

Even though times and technology and the political climate was different, i could see some similarity, especially that you have to be too committed to your cause to do things like that... or totally crazy. I think Felt and snowden were both deeply committed to what they thought was right,and nobody can argue with that. Because in life, we all do what we thing we have to do, right?

They followed their principles, weather they were right.. or wrong.

That is up to anyone to make up their own mind.

To me the film was a good film on modern American political history, and it touches journalism, ethics, the use of power and the insights of power in Washington, and what we see nowadays with trump just make us wonder if some mark felt would ever appear.

However, at certain times a bit boring (just a bit) but that was due to the non-stop dialogue.

I don't say that I will watch it again. Once is good and is enough, but I liked it. It was a good effort from the director Peter Landesman who also wrote it.. not surprisingly as landesman has been himself a journalist.

If you have some free time, like American politics, have nothing else to do and are luck to have some couple extra bucks to spend, this movie is for you.
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