Fun To Watch
17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
During the height of the Spaghetti Western era, I was in the Navy and movies on the base were $.25. I did not have a car at the time so I watched a lot of movies and really got into spaghetti westerns. I still like them. This is one of the movies that I can watch every time it is available. Excellent casting all the way around.

Robert Mitchum was at the top of his game in this one of making acting look easy and he looked like he was having fun. He once said that it beats working. However, the other character who stands out as having one of his best parts is Victor Buono as an English arms dealer who is strictly in it for the money. The device of focusing on him as he is "thinking" really makes his character stand out. At one point, they are trying to talk him into using his car for a battering ram and all he is ready to get out of town before the shooting starts. The scene focuses on on as he is thinking, "They're trying to make a hero out of me". Not to spoil it but his death scene is really a good one. This is another movie viewers should try so see. It is a winner!
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