Big and Hairy (1998 TV Movie)
Inexplicably Excellent
28 May 2017
Don't ask me. It's a movie about Big Foot joining a kid's middle school basketball team, if that doesn't strike your interest you may not have a soul. But, after seeing my 10 stars you've got to be wondering, "is it actually good?"

Yes. Absolutely. A resounding HECK YEAH!

If you are a connoisseur of strange or unknown movies, you may be aware that bad comedies can be some of the hardest things to sit through. This is usually because when a comedy fails it fails in making its audience laugh, which for trash movies such as this one, is the entire point.

But, here's the thing. It's actually hilarious. And the characters are weirdly likable. Even the Wookie knockoff, heck, especially the Wookie knockoff. Every time the thing squawks in that crappy Chewbacca suit I can't help but bust a gut.

The premise is so beyond idiotic. It's literally Air Bud but with the missing link. And we're supposed to grow emotionally attached to the freaky ape thing as the film progresses. It's so simple and stupid I just can't help becoming enamored with it as it unfolds. I genuinely cheered for them at the end. It's not even irony, or post-irony, or any of that crap, I just want Picasso to win the big game.

All in all, a truly marvelous experience that deserves many more fans than it has. Highly recommended.
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