Better Call Saul: Chicanery (2017)
Season 3, Episode 5
Possibly the most satisfying payoff to a story-line I have ever witnessed.
8 May 2017
Better Call Saul has been building to the last scene of this episode for two and a half seasons. If someone were to watch the end of this episode without context, they might say that it was well performed, but in order to truly understand how masterfully this was executed, one has to have seen the long, drawn-out, suspenseful building of the relationship between the McGill brothers that has occurred over the last three years. The slow-burn setup of season 2 has finally paid off.

There isn't much about the episode to discuss outside of the phenomenal final scene, as the whole thing (as well as the whole show) was just one masterful build of gradually escalating tension, all leading to this moment that none of us could have predicted and yet we all saw coming.
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