A good reason to go to bed early.
2 May 2017
Monday Night Football has a long history of employing idiots to talk about football.Starting with the monotone mush mouth Howard Cosell, they have been hell bent on delivering unintelligible broadcasts for almost half a century.They continued the nonsense trend with several years of John Madden spewing lies when he wasn't stuttering like a fool.Then at the turn of the century they decided they needed a change so they brought in Dennis Miller.While Miller is great at rambling about things that don't matter, everything he says is 50 IQ points above anything a football fan can understand, so it was no surprise that he didn't last long.Now they have added the mental midget Jon Gruden.This fool can rarely finish a sentence.One time he said the quarterback was going to use the entire shot clock?WTF is a shot clock?As dumb as he is, at least he's not Madden.As a sports organization they need to set some higher standards for hiring broadcasters.The first rule should be don't hire anyone who spells John without an h.Second, take a look at the person's haircut.If it looks like they did it themselves, they may not be right for the job.The best thing about MNF is that it moved to ESPN and for years I didn't have to see it.Looking back on a lifetime of Monday night sadness, it's clear to see the NFL has been headed down the wrong path for decades.A path that ends with football being irrelevant and unwatchable.
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