Runaway Horse (2007)
Decent material and execution
28 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Ein fliehendes Pferd" is a German 90-minute movie from 2007, so this one has its 10th anniversary this year. It is among the more known works by director Rainer Kaufmann and the screenplay is by Kathrin Richter and Ralf Hertwig with whom Kaufmann has worked on many occasions before. He has also worked with actress Katja Riemann on many occasions before, so it is not surprising that she plays one of the two biggest female parts in here. The other lead actors are Ulrich Noethen, Ulrich Tukur and Petra Schmidt-Schaller. And I liked all 3 of them. My favorite performance was probably Tukur who really created a sleazy unlikable character here and I am surprised to see he is the only one who did not get any awards attention from this quartet. I personally liked Katja Riemann the least, but this is also personal preference because I just don't think she is a talented actress at all and comes off as very pretentious in most of her roles like this one here. Admittedly, she has been in many weaker films giving way worse performances, also next to Kaufmann, and apart from occasional lows like the masturbation scene that feels very cheap, trashy and included for the sake of it without adding anything memorable at all, she is at least bearable this time. But like I said, I don't like her at all as an actress, so more unbiased observers may differ.

Now about the film itself, I think it was a pretty solid watch and this also has a lot to do with the acting, but also with the script. This is the second (I think) film adaptation of the Martin Walser work "Runaway Horse" after the first (starring Glowna) came out decades ago really as the literary work is also pretty old already, but not dated as we see from this movie, even if it's admittedly also already a decade old. But even if they made it today, I am positive it could turn out nicely. So yeah, there is a moment here and there that I did not like or that did not make that much sense to me, but as a whole, the positive certainly outweighs the negative and I think this film is absolutely worth checking out. It is also interesting how Tukur's character is depicted as such an antagonist and then we see the protagonist suffering from his alleged demise, so that we should not known what to feel about Tukur's character really. One of the best plot developments here. Sadly, I did not like the ending that much, but the chemistry between the actors from start to finish turns this into a convincing outcome. I am positively surprised judging from other Kaufmann/Riemann work I have seen before. Most likely their best collaboration. See it.
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