Consequences Clear, but Filmmakers Couldn't Stop Themselves
23 February 2017
The Age of Consequences makes a strong point about the connection between climate change and global instability … and then belabors it to death.

The documentary begins with a parade of military leaders and civilian defense and diplomatic experts, all reinforcing that connection – as if trying to drown out the politicians who pretend it is open to debate.

The filmmakers list a number of ramifications – land loss, shortages, migration, civil unrest and international conflict, to name a few – but then make the same, or very similar, points for each one.

This documentary examines an important topic, so it's a shame that I was nodding off about three- quarters of the way through. Really, though, you could get the gist of it from viewing the trailer.


Stu Robinson practices writing, editing, media relations and social media through his business, Phoenix-based Lightbulb Communications.
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