The Wasp Woman (1995 TV Movie)
Definite cult movie potential .........
10 February 2017
In the "so bad it's good" sweepstakes, this "Wasp Woman" remake is a strong contender. First off the acting is all over the map, but Jennifer Rubin and Geritt Graham, are totally acceptable. More good news the movie has some real "eye candy" and nudity, which always helps toward "cult status". The wasp creature with breasts certainly qualifies as one of the most bizarre rubber suit monsters ever. We even have a real cave setting for some added wasp fun. Sure the few C.G.I. images are antiques, but the film has an actual story that holds things together, rather that the C.G.I. extravaganzas trucked out today. As a throwback to the old time monster movies, "Wasp Woman" succeeds. - MERK
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