Review of Soar

Soar (2014)
Great animation but not much else
8 January 2017
Soar is a beautiful short film. It has Pixar or Disney world-class animation quality: crystal clear images, good movement, great backgrounds, beautiful natural colors, good play of lights, and cute characters. Technically excellent.

The film starts with a girl trying to fly a toy airplane, over and over again, following a design map, but without any success. Then she finds a little fallen creature and tries to help her fly again. And little more happens in the story. It is beautiful to watch, has a nice feeling and a beautiful ending.

I see this short film more as an exercise in animation than an exercise in movie making, as the narrative is weak. I'm not saying it is bad, as the story has many possibilities for development, and feels like a scene taken from a feature film where the story will be properly developed.But this is not the case, and so the story feels flat, underdeveloped and not well-rounded, just another cute short.
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