Fear, Inc. (2016)
Maybe if the lead character wasn't so annoying it would have been better
18 November 2016
I don't really know what to say about this movie as there is not a whole lot to say.

It's a horror-comedy, packed with jokes that 99% of them fall flat to the ground as they aren't funny at all.

Our lead man is incredibly obnoxious and annoying and often ruins scenes that could have been somewhat suspenseful by cracking various jokes etc and being over-enthustiastic about everything.

There are some semi-clever homages to other horror films, the Saw one had a great set up but again slightly ruined by the lead character's personality.

But none of the cast really impresses if I'm gonna be honest, not even Chris Marquette whom I usually like. He's not bad per se, but it's a fairly ungrateful part he was given as the best friend of the douchebag in the lead.

So yeah can't say I liked it very much, it's directed by a guy called Vincient Masciale and although he didn't get it right this time I wouldn't write him off completely and he could quite possibly learn from the mistakes he did with this one.
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