Acorn Antiques (1987 Video)
Oh I am pleased
27 July 2016
Victoria Wood was a fab stand-up comedian, a natural writer and actor. However no matter how good 'Eric and Ernie' or 'Housewife 49' were the thing that she was best remembered for was 'Acorn Antiques'.

It's taken on a life of its own really, and has captured the love of the British public, who remember when soaps such as Crossroads were full of such ludicrous plots and shoddy camera work.

I like it best in small doses. The DVD they released of only 'Acorn Antiques' seemed a bit too much of a good thing, and the novelty wore off, but packaged in with the rest of Victoria Wood's 'As seen on TV' programme like it was originally I found myself enjoying it more.

It's well worth a watch.
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