Garm Wars: The Last...Ending...Druid Up
17 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled upon this movie during bad weather stuck inside home and I enjoyed the acting and the great FX. It seems like the Japanese are able to lend a much more pronounced artistic effect with their FX styles. However, I was very disappointed with the three endings. The first ending which used a childlike 'China doll' to represent evil forces seems like a cop-out to me. The second ending with mechanical snakes was just weird. In both cases - it was like the film maker had run out of ideas OR budget with which to end the film. Maybe I missed something of meaning hidden in that imagery. And the 'third' later ending showing another follow-up war was confusing. Was it a hint at a sequel? To my way of thinking, I felt that the movie's actors and viewers deserved a better ending.
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