Expectations for more
19 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Flight of the Butterflies" is a 44-minute IMAX nature documentary from 4 years ago written and directed by Mike Slee. Well, actually it is half documentary, half acting as the cast includes Gordon Pinsent and a couple other actors playing characters that were linked to the scientific research of the monarch butterfly. I personally would have preferred to keep this fictitious story to a minimum and instead focus more on great impressive video recording of the butterfly instead of the story they put in here, but that is just personal preference. Same goes for the use of animation. Why not show us the real ones instead of animated CGI butterflies, even if it still looks somewhat impressive. These are my 2 major criticisms with this documentary. The topic is such an interesting one, so I am a bit disappointed with the execution. Still it's by no means a bad film, just clearly inferior to what this documentary could have been actually. Overall, I recommend the watch.
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