Review of 2Survive

2Survive (2015)
Surprisingly good movie
26 May 2015
In the beginning it was seem like a cliché: a group of guys and girls taking cameras with them on a trip and encountered some paranormal phenomenon. There are just too many of them out there already. However this one, in my opinion, was the one done right, like the "Blair Witch Project" long time ago.

Unlike all those with extremely shaky cameras, which cause you so much nausea 10 minutes into a film, this one at least have good camera stabilization. You can be sure of not vomiting and holding your lunch or dinner down to the end of the film.

The actor and actresses are doing a great job of showing real emotions. Everyone's character is believable and not over-acting. No one is good or evil. They do what they did to survive (or win the game show). There are even one or two touching moments if you are sensitive.

The surviving technique and know-hows are not bad either. You will learn one thing or two after watching it. So it's not a completely time-waster.

Also the small details like scars, dry lips and a little surprise in the end are good addition too.
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