Knots Landing (1979–1993)
Why only 2 seasons on DVD??
16 April 2015
For several years now I have been watching and waiting ... Waiting for someone from Warner Brothers to grow a brain and release the remaining 12 seasons on DVD. It seems as though every other show ever created,no matter how short-lived, stupid, good, bad, loved, or hated are all released on DVD. But not Knots Landing. Why? I once read some seriously lame excuse that the sales from the release of the first 2 seasons weren't high enough. That can't be right. There are some of the most idiotic shows out there on DVD that I KNOW couldn't have sold much. But there they are. Knots Landing CLEARLY had fans in order to run for so many seasons. They can't even rerun it anymore? It makes NO sense to me. I am very positive that along with myself many many other die hard fans of this show--which IMO was the BEST prime time soap in history still to date--would purchase the rest of the seasons on DVD. Come on people, contact WB and help me let them know that we are entitled to have access to our beloved show just as well as Dallas fans are!!
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