Far better than usual
12 April 2015
Far better than usual is in reference to this cartoon series. Normally, I'd give one of the shows a 4--this time it's a bit better due to slightly better writing. As for the animation, however, it's about the same quality as usual...terrible. As always for the show, the cell count is minuscule and this means robotic movement. Also, the characters are just terribly drawn--like a group of 8th graders made the thing.

The story finds Mr. Spock ill with a disease that won't kill humans...but it does kill Vulcans. The problem is that it's too far to go to get the medicine he needs, so they need to rely on a ship to bring it towards them and they'll race to get the needed drug. Unfortunately, space pirates steal the stuff and Kirk needs to convince the pirates to be nice guys and give it back! The story ain't great and the ending is a bit limp but at least it is a story- -the type you might have actually seen on the original "Star Trek". No stupid looking aliens and nothing that would irritate Trekkies.
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