That's how long it takes for a cyanide capsule to take effect
21 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It's spring 1944 with the allies planning to stage a massive cross-channel assault on Fortress Europe any day now. Fearing a major German counter response it's decided to trick the Germans into thinking that the main assault will be directed towards Holland not as planned in Normandy France. This job is to be given to the British Intelligence unit headed by Major Howard, Nigel Patrick, and his American second in command Capt. Bill Ranson, Jeffery Hunter. Knowing that there's a major German spy network in London monitoring all allied troop movements it's important to make them think, by slight of hand or army divisions, that the attack will take place hundreds of miles from where its planned. That's to keep German infantry and panzer units from reinforcing the understaffed German divisions in Normandy making the allied invasion that much more effective.

Working with member of the outlawed, by the Germans, Dutch Underground both Major Howard and Capt. Ranson get the help of pretty dutch woman spy Rolande Hertog,Annemire Duringer, as the units' radio operator that the young and hot for action Capt. Ranson falls in love with. It later becomes evident when she guns down in cold blood a wounded German spy, to keep him from talking, and before icing him is heard talking in German not Dutch with him that Capt. Rasnson realized that she in fact is a German spy herself! With Hertog soon realizing that the invasion of Holland is just a trick on the allies part and that they, the German spies, are being given false information into believing it she tries to contact them and give them the right info. While this is going on the Germans kidnap one of the Dutch spies Dr. Mulder's, David Kossoff, 10 year old son Willie as insurance if the invasion of Holland doesn't materialize and murder him in retaliation for making them look like a bunch of moronic buffoons in them thinking that it would!

***SPOILERS**** With Capt. Ranson finally realizing that Hertog, his former lover, is about to get the news back to Germany about the trick the allies are planning to pull on them he plans to do the only thing left for him to convince her that she's wrong! And with that act of supreme courage and sacrifice, as well as a bullet in the gut, gets her to give the Germans, who were ready to blow the allies expeditionary force out of the English Channel, the news that Capt. Ranson told her before the two, with Ranson surviving, ended up getting shot!
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