They promised a killer Twist in the finale and there it was indeed ...
27 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just a when you think the series couldn't get any better !!! they hit you with ending like this ..

Over 80 minutes you won't stop asking "who the hell killed Lila !!".

Peter Nowalk wrote the finale in a freaking perfect way and he's just a Genius .

In Every Episode there was this element of " WTF just happened !" or "How did we get in here !" here in the finale each and every minute you'll go like Okay things are gonna be the way i thought it is ,, but No ,,, you won't know who the killer is till the last seconds of the episode ...

Most of the characters reveled a new dark side of themselves so far. If you think even for a second that some characters are useless in the series, well... think again... all of them have their part even "Frank" ;)

Things got even more intense than before , Honestly i just can't imagine How Season 2 will be ,, i mean can they really Top this level of Plot !!

You just love how in the end of each episode you'll be left with mystery to be solved in the next, only few Crime/Drama Shows have done that.

Overall i really can't wait till the next season that ,, and i believe the 1 golden glob nomination last year will turn into more than one golden glob "Award" this one. ;)
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