A disgrace to the term "Gangs" and Tooting Broadway
16 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WOW... where do we start? This film was a disgrace, to Tooting and gangs.. especially the gangs of Tooting.

This story is about a Sri Lanken "gang", which operates out of a estate agents, has maybe 6 members and is being portrayed as some force to be reckoned with. It consists of two bum-fluff henchmen who go around intimidating little shop owners for protection money or they will throw all the crisp packets on the floor. I know Tooting, a gang like this would be eaten up by the other gangs for breakfast. This film is full of bad acting, direction, editing, pathetic fighting.. I don't know what the people who made this were thinking, I would not want to be associated by this disgraceful POS. Anyway... avoid at all costs, or watch it for the laughs, the "twist" at the end of the film was laughable.
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