Review of Vibes

Vibes (1988)
unique casting makes for a fun film
9 January 2015
Jeff Goldblum, Cindy Lauper, and Peter Falk star in "Vibes," a 1988 comedy.

Goldblum and Lauper play psychics Nicky Deezy and Sylvia Pickel (pronounced pick-EL) who are at an institute where their abilities are being tested. Sylvia has a spirit guide named Louise, and Nick's specialty is psychometry, which is picking up vibes from objects. They are approached by Harry Buscafusco (Peter Falk) to find his son in Ecuador. Since he's offering a great deal of money, they accept.

Falk is lying, of course, and it doesn't take Goldblum long to figure it out. He wants them to find a hidden temple in the mountains where all the psychic energy in the world comes from. One of his friends found it, but is now comatose. But they're not the only ones looking for it.

This is sort of a Raiders of the Lost Ark meets The Power. What makes it a cut above a fluffy comedy is the casting of Cindy Lauper, a unique personality, the talented, quirky Jeff Goldblum, and the always wonderful Peter Falk. I think my favorite scene is the one where Goldblum confronts him, and Falk quickly makes up another story to support his lies.

Fun movie.
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