Review of Barefoot

Barefoot (I) (2014)
Wear Shoes
29 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Like a green lawn in a dog park, this movie looked inviting, but too many turds made it impossible to enjoy. Woods' character, Daisy, was simply not believable (I wanted to use "incredible" or "unbelievable", but I want to ensure the meaning is clearly understood!). She's supposed to be suffering from some sort of psychosocial trauma from living a solitary and isolated life with her mother, which has rendered her extremely naive about the outside world and its customs, such as wearing shoes and having table manners. Thankfully, however, she knows enough about make up, so this innocent fawn is still smoking hot! Daisy vacillates between near-catatonic screaming in the face of stress to the type of doe-eyed wonder you might expect from a newly be-legged mermaid taking her first steps on terra firma. Speedman's "Jay" comes off as a cliché: a good but misunderstood person who has the ethics of a criminal and lout, but enough morals not to pounce on a debilitated hotty...even when she asks for it! Except for the character of Dr. Bertleman, played by J.K. Simmons, the rest of the cast falls in line falling short. From the Dukes of Hazzardish car chases, to the overly-dramatic slo-mo apprehension in the diner, this movie went from dramatic to silly, then to dumb and dumber. All in all, not a good movie.
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