Review of Half Life

Logan's Run: Half Life (1977)
Season 1, Episode 6
A 1970s story borrowed form earlier material.
14 October 2014
By this time in the series, if you are binge viewing like I did, you notice the frequent borrowing of other plots and ideas from other sources. This was so common in 1970s sci-fi as to actually tarnish the reputation of some, otherwise worthy, shows. It was probably done to keep costs down, but also because most studios simply saw science fiction as a money generator, and not a literary genera unto itself.

This story was borrowed from, most recently, the original Star Trek Season 1 episode "The Enemy Within," written by Richard Matheson. The idea of dividing a person into good and evil is not as well explored in this show, but it is interesting nevertheless.

The other thing I am noticing is the use of Star Trek sound effects. machine sounds, computer sounds, even the "swoosh" of the doors as they open and close. Again, a cost saving tactic often used in expensive science fiction shows of the 1970s and 80s.
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