Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starship Mine (1993)
Season 6, Episode 18
The Enterprise Seems to Have Some Real Vulnerability
29 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this episode because it is full of suspense and some cliffhanger events, but it does beg the question that whenever they dock for repairs, they seem to get themselves in trouble. Basically, who is minding the store. While the ship sits in dry dock to have a baryon scan (whatever that is; sorry science majors), Picard decides to go onto the ship to pick up a saddle so he can ride a horse that is available to him. He has been inundated with requests and decisions to be made and needs a little time to himself. While he is on the ship, he realizes there are others. A group of potential terrorists with an agenda to get their hands on trilithium, an extremely volatile substance. It is led by a ruthless woman who is willing to kill her partners. When he is captured, Jean-Luc pretends he is the Enterprise's barber. He hatches a plan to derail their efforts. Meanwhile, the other significant crew members are being held hostage by the confederates of these guys and must devise their own plan. Of course, the deadly baryon scan is moving forward, killing any living thing, so time is of the essence. Very good cliffhanger.
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