Set in Texas, filmed in Louisiana, entertaining film of menopausal women playing basketball again.
12 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We found this one on Netflix streaming movies. We weren't looking for much, just entertainment for a summer night, and this funny movie worked just fine.

Set in the little fictional town of Burning Bush, Texas, but filmed in and around the New Orleans area, Brooke Shields is Beth Humphrey. She finds out that a traveling mammogram bus will lose its funding because the person who had done the paperwork had neglected to notice it had to be renewed each year. It turns out Beth was the negligent one!

So she has a crazy idea, if she and 4 others from the early 1980s basketball team could get together and issue a challenge to the local girls team, who are current state champions, and win all the bets placed against them, maybe they could raise the $25,000. A tall order!

The 4 other girls are Daryl Hannah as Ginger Peabody, Wanda Sykes as Florine Clarkston, running for mayor, Camryn Manheim as Roxie Rosales, and Virginia Madsen as Clementine Winks. A motley crew, to be sure, but it was fun seeing these formerly glamorous middle-aged ladies get down and play some basketball.
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