Review of Resolution

Resolution (III) (2012)
Not really horror but very watchable and interesting
2 May 2014
Just found this little piece of a movie and didn't know what to except. Nice that I watched.

Pretty low motion movie with some weird twists, very much funny moments. Beginning is mostly hilarious, lot's of some terrific scenes.

There might be too much dialog in this movie, that made it little boring sometimes even though they were good ones.

I didn't actually understood the "horror", there wasn't any of it in my opinion. But yeah there were mystery to be solved and such things. Nice to follow it, sadly it doesn't explain a lot in movie even in the ending part. But liked this one a lot.

Stays on its feet, well done and I really couldn't compare this to any movie, that makes it so interesting I think.

Give it a go if you don't need gore or explosions and all. Good for a evening movie.

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