A Bitter Pill to Take
3 February 2014
Lana Turner, Robert Lansing, Celeste Holm, Robert Alda, Meredith Baxter Birney, and Scott Hylands star in this film about a young couple who meet, fall in love, get married, and, after the news of a baby, they find out they are related. How, you ask? They are brother and sister, because his father had an affair years ago with her mother and she, the daughter, just happens to meet her brother years later. I might would have liked the film more, had it not been for two things: one, Scott Hylands (who?) didn't do much for me and two, the film just lies there. Despite Robert Lansing's thoughtful performance and Lana's gutsy presence in this humdrum film, this film offers really nothing to the plot and this no-win situation. It takes the usual, predictable concerns they'd have in conversations and bore you with more and more and more talking. What starts out as just an unbelievable film becomes a morgue with despondent and lost people by the end and you feel really, really good after wards. Yeah right. You're wondering, where's the dead horse they were beating? I can only imagine that someone came up with this idea from "The Parent Trap," and putting a twist on it. But, aside from curiosity of the veteran actors' performances seen here, this film should have been put in a time capsule of the 1970s and left there.
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