Well, if you had to remake one of the Philo Vance movies...
1 February 2014
The Kennel Murder Case was the highlight of the Philo Vance movie series. This film is a remake of that, updated to fit World War II with an espionage theme. James Stephenson makes a poor Philo Vance. He talks through his nose the whole time, which I found annoying. Supporting cast isn't bad. Includes great character actors Edward Brophy and Henry O'Neill. There is one scene where Brophy is supposed to knock open a door. He bumps into it with his shoulder twice with no result. Then he kicks it and his foot awkwardly knocks out a part of the door without actually kicking it open. Whether this was intentional or not I do not know but it sure looked like a goof. A cheapie like this wouldn't have done multiple takes if they could help it. Margot Stevenson plays the part Mary Astor played in the original. She speaks breathlessly and acts weakly. The best thing about the film for me are the Warner sets and backlot. It's a watchable film. Not a patch on the original and very flawed, but passable.
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