The Chrysalis (2012)
Over my expectations!
5 November 2013
It's a love-revenge movie, but trust me, it is way over my expectations, with so many twists and turns, and you cannot predict what will happen. From a Western point of view, it may be over-cooked and has to much melodrama. But from an Asean point of view, I really enjoy every minute of it. I doesn't focus much on fear factor, the horror is more on the bad side/the evil side of people. Of all characters, I really feel sorry for both Wen Guanxin and Anne Dai and the person I hate most is Luo Jia, that Casanona, who wrecked the hearts and souls of these poor women, and cause them do something way over evil. That handsome sweet little prince charming always act irresponsible for everything and runs away from all the mess he does! I wish he end up in hell! Finally, the movie is a gem and I think it will become a hit a China, maybe in all of Asia!
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