The X-Files: Sunshine Days (2002)
Season 9, Episode 18
The "Episode" of the X-files.
18 October 2013
This is The Last Episode. The Truth episode is kind of like a movie capping Mulders life's work.

This is a very sweet tribute episode to the whole series. Very light hearted and fun, a silly science case. Scully actually gets to prove the phenomenon, albeit briefly, she pulls it off.

As the camera pans across Reyes's and her face while the controlled specimen is showing his "talents" is just perfect. I laughed out loud at the smile on Scully's face. 'like yes, maybe i was loyal to Mulder because I cared So Much. Maybe I found the sight work fascination, but true scientific and personal reasons for sticking to the x- files is for this moment right here'. Very Good of the writers to place this moment in the series.

I disagree with another reviewer here who complains that they shouldn't be using the guy as a lab rat and that even Scully at the end shows disappointment and that it was unkind. I think the reviewer misinterpreted the scene outside the hospital room. It's Scully 1. missing her son and realizing how much more important family is then science 2. She actually says this out loud about how all the nine years before being more about that realization then her ever getting actual Proof.

She wasn't disappointed about not getting her evidence, She was letting it Go...That's why she was being emotional! Hello...

Any true fan of the x-files. -I mean fans that get the subplots of the show, not just people who like Mulder and alien conspiracy stuff. I'm talking about people who get that the whole "I want to believe" statement was a desire that Both Mulder and Scully held, though their visions were different (aliens vs god) and the writers of this show worked very hard at trying to make them One. Who know the Scully character well and the premise of the show well-should enjoy this episode.

Also, I'm pretty sure Scully's head gear during the autopsy scene was play on some of the stuff that Dana Scully's character were in the first few seasons. they did a lot of retaking previously done shots in the x- files to be cute I guess. Remember the old days.
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