Review of Deadpool

Deadpool (2013 Video Game)
Deadpool would have been better as a short movie
7 July 2013
Let's just start off by asking ourselves "what the hell do you expect?". The gameplay is one big joke like the rest of the game, except this joke does not all. If you were (for some odd reason) judging Deadpool for just it's gameplay you would automatically associate it with any other generic beat'em up game, the only thing different is that you're Deadpool. I'm now going to rattle off why the gameplay is just awful: the stealth mechanic in only used as a gimmick, dead A.I immediately disappear, the gun-play is bizarre and frustrating, rarely unique enemies, the boss fights are way to easy by most peoples standards, the mini games are the only fun part of the gameplay that's how you know something went wrong, you'll find your self doing the same combo over and over again. The real question is are you willing to trudge through horrible gameplay and outdated graphics to witness Deadpools insane hilarity during cutscenes. I was willing...and trust me you will not be disappointed with them, this is literally the funniest game I've ever played. Deadpool will undoubtedly surprise you with insane to actually really witty humor and cheesy one-liners. Nolan North does a terrific job voicing Deadpool and the cutscenes themselves are really well animated and directed, which makes me come to a conclusion that this really should have been adapted to become a animated flick. Overall if your looking for the next Arkham City go away right now and never turn back, but if you're just looking for a hilarious romp look no farther.
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