Review of Smiley

Smiley (2012)
Why all the hate?
7 July 2013
Smiley is a low-budget horror film directed by a YouTube comedian, Michael Gallagher. (Jeeze I hope I'm spelling his name right, If I'm not I feel horrible >.<). I've been looking around at different reviews from fans and critics about this movie and am sad to say I've see a lot of harsh reviews and even just flat out hate comments. First time I saw Smiley, which was literally 10 minutes ago; so its fresh in my mind, I enjoyed it. You can defiantly tell it wasn't a high end movie, but they did very well! I liked how the director and actors knew how to get across the story they were trying to tell, being that Smiley was a serial killer of which was born by technology. There was obviously a lot of thought put behind the tale. What I wasn't so fond of was how EVERYTHIHG, was focused on the main character Ashley. There is only so far filming one person can go before it gets boring and you need to show other people and their POV's. This movie is also a good outlet to show viewers how sick and twisted people can be, and to get the viewers thinking about this for the future, so it did portray a nice a horror sort of way. Overall the movie earns a 6 in my eyes for its use of horror in the mentally scary way and the small yet prominent twists and turns that followed our main characters (Ashley) every move. Congrats to Michael Gallagher for directing his first feature length film and I hope in the future he will be able to expand on this and create more and better movies that will get rave reviews!
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