Review of The Fake

The Fake (1953)
good mystery
13 November 2012
Dennis O'Keefe stars in "The Fake," a 1953 film set in London. There are a lot of these films from the '50s featuring an American or two, such as Cesar Romero, in a British mystery.

O'Keefe plays Paul Mitchell, who is checking on the security of the Tate Gallery (with scenes actually filmed there) as the gallery gets ready to show Da Vinci's Madonna and Child. He is also interested in the $50,000 reward for two other stolen masterpieces where the paintings in their place were found to be fakes. He begins to suspect that the father of an employee (Colleen Gray), who is an accomplished painter, might have painted the fakes. But for whom? This is a pretty good mystery with a nice upbeat performance by the affable O'Keefe, and it's always great to see Colleen Gray in anything. For my money she was underused by Hollywood.

These types of films are usually quite enjoyable and atmospheric, and also on the short side. They make for good watching.
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