Sleeping Dogs Lie (I) (2006)
What a Dog
7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a complete failure on every level.

If you are hoping to watch an outrageous comedy, filled with laughs, that dances on the edge, this is not that movie, despite the outlandishness that might be expected from the topic in question. Instead, despite a few characters that behave for short periods in a fashion that suggests comic relief, this movie is a dreary-tawdry tragedy that resolves itself in a semi-happy conclusion, but at the cost of coherence, plot or character development. The shrugs-your-shoulder ending will arrive at the point which you no longer give a crap.

The cast is lead by mediocre unknowns and fleshed out with recognizable TV veterans Geoff Pierson and Brian Poshen, both of whom who have talent to elevate their roles beyond this dismal script. The rest of the cast do not fare as well. Melinda Hamilton is a bland somewhat whiny lead, matched by both Bryce Johnson and Colby French as her romantic counterparts. There is little chemistry or fire between either match.

The story is basically this: Amy(Melinda) has a disgusting secret. She reveals it to her fiancé. Her family learns it. Tragedy ensues, Her life falls apart. She continues on. The problem is that none of this is played for belly laughs, as one hopes it would be coming from Goldwaith. The story's arc is also distorted by the lead character having a deep relationship that develops through the telling of the tale, but suddenly that is dropped and the investment that we have made in the romance which is the basis of the story comes to no conclusion. She simply throws him away and starts up with someone else, as if it all didn't matter anyway.

"Nothing matters and just lie about it, and who cares anyway" is not a great theme for a movie. I didn't laugh much throughout and I learned nothing. I would recommend not bothering.
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