15 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The story of Devudu Chesina Manushulu begins when Lakshmi (Kovai Sarala) asks Lord Vishnu (Brahmanandam) to tell her an interesting and entertaining story. He begins the story with Ravi Teja (Ravi Teja), a settlement broker. One day Subba Raju (Subba Raju) steps on the peel of a banana thrown by Papayya (MS Narayana) on the road, and kills Sandy a close associate of Bangkok don Prakash Raj (Prakash Raj). Subba Raju asks Ravi Teja to broach a settlement between him and Prakash. Ravi Teja meets Prakash Raj in Bangkok, where he falls in love with Telugu-speaking taxi driver Ileana (Ileana). Prakash Raj in order to accept Ravi Teja's offer wants Ileana for him for a night. What happens next will form an interesting portion of the movie.
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