Nice looking and slightly amusing
15 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I sought this movie out for the chance to see Kelly MacDonald in a starring role. Part of what helped me get into it was the setting. Never having been to any part of Europe, I enjoyed the scenery and the depiction of life on the island.

Kelly really was the main attraction as far attraction as far as I was concerned. No one else really stood out, although Tennent came close. I felt like the locals were a little too quirky, like so many other Euro films about small communities, and I also had problems with Kelly's character. I was disappointed to see her playing a girl who was so defeated by a breakup and put so much emphasis on not being popular with men. I think what I enjoyed more than anything was just listening to her accent. That and the Hebrides (which I guess they didn't actually film in, but suspension of belief and all that). Not a great romantic comedy or strong story, but nice to look at.
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