Toddlers & Tiaras (2009–2016)
The Most Disturbing TV Show I Have Ever Seen...
4 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
T&T's is, without a doubt, the most disturbing show I have ever seen on TV.

When I happened across it while ' Channel-Surfing ', my first reaction was,' Is This A Joke??? '

But then I realized that-This Was Very Real!

-These parents REALLY ' encourage ' (that's the polite way of saying it) their young children to participate in these contests!

-They REALLY travel all over to shill their kids into this endless cycle of pageants!

-They REALLY spend countless hours & dollars on their kids' costumes, make-up, & performances!

-They REALLY believe that winning these ' competitions ' is some kind of actual achievement!

-And it also REALLY looked as if these parents were getting some vicarious thrill out of their kids ' victories '.

-And, unlike those children who train from an early age to become, say, champion athletes, these are ' victories ' in which the participants gain no substantive skills or rewards whatsoever.

The only explanation I can see for this phenomenon is that we have become a nation of ' Award Junkies ', where the aura of simply obtaining a cheap gold-plated statuette is itself of far greater value than anything that the ' winner ' actually did to earn it!

Further evidence of this can be seen in the plethora of completely meaningless award shows that we are all subjected to these days.

To put all this in perspective, I don't see any (ongoing series) TV shows glorifying young people who work hard to give back to their communities, nor any (ongoing series) TV shows that celebrate the men & women of our armed forces, who each & every day fight for our freedoms-Even When No One Else Is Watching…

I can clearly envision these kids in the not-distant-future, looking at their shelves of ' awards ', & closets full of gowns, and saying to themselves:

" This Is What I Gave Up My Childhood For??? "

8 to 5 odds they'll all need years of therapy…

I like watching a good train wreck as much as the next person; but for the sake of these children, I cannot in good conscience help this show's Nielsen ratings, so I avoid it.

T&T's is grotesque the point of being gut-wrenching; just a couple small steps above being a cult. These kids should all immediately be placed into psychological counseling, and these parents should all be charged with child abuse.

-Did I mention that I don't like this show?

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