Great contemporary film!
12 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was not expecting an Oscar worthy film before going to see Payback Season. At most I was expecting a relatively endurable film. However I was pleasantly surprised at the high level of acting talent within the film. The storyline was rough around the edges but all in all I must say and enjoyable if intense cinema experience. If your a fan of fast cars, eye candy and football I would say this film is visually definitely down your street. Some would say it is a 'lads' film but I for one thoroughly enjoyed Payback Season. This film gives the viewer an insight into the way jealousy can get out of hand and there is a real positive message deep within this gritty street drama. A positive message people from all walks of life can relate to. There is moderate sexual related scenes and violence but nothing too graphic. Plus emotion that even had me tearing up a little! The film ends on a cliff hanger maybe leaving way for Payback season two perhaps? All the actors are on point giving no less than 100% to each of their roles. Deacon's Jerome is highly believable and well and truly deserved of his BAFTA award. A must see for British Film fans.
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