Why now?
29 January 2012
Where to begin? It's been 8 years since the movie and not a sign of anything Napoleon. FOX then announces that they are doing an animation. Why the big gap? because any network and studio know that Napoleon is a money pit. The Movie was a fluke. The movie and show are about social rejects for social rejects. The only people who seem to enjoy both the movie and the show were those creepy kids who picked their scabs & nose and ate it. We were tortured for years after the movie came out with losers quoting unfunny lines yet being accepted by other losers. The first episode of Napoleon scored 4.4 in ratings but that "glory" was soon to pass as within half an hour and the second episode only scored 3.3 that's a massive drop and nearly 2 million viewers. Time has yet to tell how much lower the 3rd episode has fallen in ratings but the future seems clear that Napoleon is heading the way Of Allen Gregory. I'm sure after the 6th episode has aired it will be the last we hear of Napoleon Dynamite.
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