What's going on with this show?
27 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Two serious episodes in a row; and when I say serious, I mean unfunny. Family Guy has just become... dark. I don't know what's going on, but I think Family Guy should either end or get cancelled if they put out episodes like this (even the creator himself said he should've ended the series after season 7). If you had a hard day's night and want to watch an episode of Family Guy to cheer yourself up to, this is exactly the opposite. Remember the episode where Peter reveals to Brian that Quagmire hates Brian? They showed Quagmire's sister, who is a victim of domestic violence from her boyfriend, Jeff, and we thought this was just a one-time gag? Nope, they're back in a major role for the storyline in this episode.

It might've worked to see into the violent relationship between Brenda and Jeff, but the subject is too serious for a show that's supposed to be comedy. The only funny parts of this episode are when the cutaway gags are shown, and the jokes they throw during the plot just don't go with the serious plot. So basically, Peter, Joe, and Quagmire plan to kill Jeff, because he beats Brenda. Yeah, that justifies it! A dramatic fight happens between Quagmire and his potential brother-in-law, and Quagmire ends up murdering Jeff; yep, that's right, Quagmire is now a murderer! He should feel guilt, but no, since Joe the cop is Quagmire's friend, Quagmire will not go behind bars!

On a positive note, it does show how much Quagmire - the ladies man and pervert - cares about his sister, so much that he goes to extreme lengths to protect her; in this case, murder her boyfriend. But domestic violence is very common in this world, and it cannot be resolved by killing the perpetrator. There are no lessons learnt in this episode.
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