A once great cartoon classic ruined by filmmakers
27 September 2011
Tom and Jerry was by far one of the greatest cartoon classics ever made. With amazing sound effects, those silent cartoon characters made me laugh throughout the rest of the episodes they were in.

When I heard that Hollywood made a film about it that I've recently seen in the 1990s, my family got a DVD of it and I watched, betting that it was gonna be good.

Boy was I wrong.

After viewing it, I was so disgusted at how this movie ruined a once great cartoon classic by pointing a few things that were wrong.

The story has nothing to do with Tom and Jerry, the characters were boring (I mean, Aunt Figg?! Dr. Applecheek?! Lickboot?! Is it me or did the writers were high when they've come up with that stuff?), and the songs were forgettable (except the pop songs in the ending credits).

The only thing that I kind of liked about this movie was the animation and voice acting. That's it.

Tom and Jerry is, without a freaking doubt, one of the worst animated films I have ever seen. Avoid it at all costs like a plague unless you have kids.

one out of five stars
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