Review of Shotgun

Breaking Bad: Shotgun (2011)
Season 4, Episode 5
Jumped the shark? Hell no. Killed the shark and then revived it? Hell yes.
15 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to passionately disagree with the previous IMDb-guy-who-thinks-he-knows-everything-about-writing.

*spoilers, obviously*

BB did NOT, at all, "jump the shark" in this episode. Walter convincing Hank to go back after Heisenberg makes perfect sense if you stop and think at where Walter is at in his life right now. He's a flawed man, brilliant at times and incredibly stupid at other times.

This episode was about Walter losing control and, most importantly, being superseded by everyone he's involved with. Jesse, of course, but also Skylar. And Gale, most importantly. A dead guy, a former "student" of his, is being called a "genius" by a guy who Walt has envied for years.

Throw in too much alcohol and you have a classic piece of writing (reminded me a lot of the pool scene couple of seasons back). That was Walters/Heisenberg's way of telling Hank "you're not the alpha male. I am. I'm Heisenberg".

This is his way of saying "I'm still Heisenberg. Come and get me".

It's like a classic Western scene. One cowboy telling another cowboy: "get back in the saddle and come get me. I'm ready for you". Except, this is Walter, so he would only say this under the influence of too much alcohol (the pool scene proved he can't hold his drink) and when his ego is being beaten up by a guy he spent years envying.

This is me talking. You can agree or disagree. You can love this episode or hate it. That's fine. But to say BB has jumped the shark is ridiculous.

If, instead of subconsciously saying "Come get me. I want you to come and get me", Walter had gotten up and stabbed Hank in the eye with a fork: that would have been a "what the fudge moment, the bad kind. (Also, go to hell censorship. This is the internet. I shouldn't have to censor myself.)

This was the good kind. I was on the edge of my seat. Once again, the writers and actors surprised me. To quote Walter: "I never saw it coming."
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