Mildly entertaining and quite silly
12 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film tries very, very hard trying about to be funny--perhaps a bit too hard. However, in spite of this it's still a pretty decent comedy and one that is a little better than just a time-passer.

The film begins with Dennis O'Keefe arriving late at his wedding to Martha Scott. However, just before the ceremony, O'Keefe is told that his new ditsy mother-in-law (Billie Burke) has just lost her entire fortune. So, with the help of his rather larcenous father, O'Keefe spends most of his 48-hour leave racing about town to win back Burke's fortune. It's all very frantic and some of the comedy works well and some falls a bit flat. However, if you don't mind the occasional lulls, the overall film is lively and fun. I particularly was fascinated by the final scene--as it is both bad and wildly creative at the same time! As far as the acting goes, Adolph Menjou was nice as was O'Keefe. I do wish that Burke had tried something other than her usual ditz role, however, as after a lot of similar roles it was wearing a bit thin. Overall, it's worth a look.
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