Mad Men: Public Relations (2010)
Season 4, Episode 1
The Door is Shut, Now What
6 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Since I am viewing DVD's of this series, after watching the last episode of Season 3 and then watching this one, there is a let down quotient for me here. That is typical of a series of this type. When a series has continuing story lines, it always happens.

To me this episode is a little slow but it is doing the necessary set up work for the new season to come. So many story & plot lines finished at the close of season 3, this opener has to get started slowly and carefully as the changes mandated by the prior episode are now sinking in.

Still this episode is good as the results of the divorce show up here. I have to wonder how long Draper is going to keep paying for Betts new husband along with her and the 3 kids to live in their old house. I am sort of surprised that him being a rich and well connected political party hack doesn't look for another house in the same neighborhood unless the Republicans under Rockerfeller were tighter fisted with his aides in those days. I don't know that I'd be happy sleeping in the same bed Betts did on occasion with Don.

One interesting thing, the horse riding seems to have stopped for now by Betts. Not surprising is the slow start up of the new agency. Even though it still has the old names on the door, in the advertising field it takes a while and some good work to get new things in.
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