A must see heartwarming dramedy set in Kansas
27 May 2011
I recently watched "Au Pair Kansas" and I must say I was extremely impressed by this American indie movie. It's great all around. It has heart, it flows really well, it shows a great narrative sense and I found it very emotional and unique. The actors were wonderful. The kid who plays the older son, Spencer Daniels, is an amazing young actor and Tracy Lords was brilliant as a bereaved widow grappling with the homosexuality of her late husband. She truly blew me away. The Norwegian actor is a great find too. As a "fish out of water" blundering au pair he offers a delicate balance between humor and genuine emotion. We don't often get to see a movie taking place on a buffalo farm in a little Swedish community, it is a unique combination the writer/director makes good use of. It's a wonderful idea to wedge in a Norwegian soccer player into this mix. The result is original, quirky at times when they all play soccer, but also sad and nostalgic at others when both worlds collide. There is a real poignancy and depth to the movie, which at the core deals with overcoming the loss of a loved one. I especially like the scene when the older son gets a tape from his late Dad for his birthday, which I find really moving. What I like about that movie is that the writer/director succeeds at exploring complex, profound themes and emotions while keeping us entertained all along. The piece is heightened by a magnificent score the versatility of which surprised me. The images of the wilderness are very beautiful as well, there's a magical warmth to the cinematography and the shots of endless fields under a big blue sky, it made me want to take a trip to Kansas. There's a distinctive voice to "Au Pair Kansas" and I can't wait to see what else this talented writer/director has in store!
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