Mad Men: Public Relations (2010)
Season 4, Episode 1
Who is Don Draper?
18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Don is being interviewed by a journalist for an article about advertising. Ever so cagey, Don is evasive in most of the answers he gives. After Don gets up, he realizes the man is missing a leg, which makes him ask where did it happen. Don, having been in the same war, is sympathetic. Unfortunately, the article is not exactly what everyone has expected once it was published. The agency has completed a year and it is struggling to get recognized.

Lucky Strike is still the biggest client. Their business means most of the revenue for the new outfit. Glo-Coat is also a client, but they did not like the latest campaign. Jantzen, the bathing suit manufacturer is courted, but their people in charge of the advertising want to keep it as a family brand. When the representatives arrive for a presentation, they are horrified at the sexy ads Don Draper has created for them. After they refuse to sponsor such ads, Don throws a fit and gets them out of the conference room.

Don and Besty are divorces. She is now married to Henry Francis, the man she fell in love with, while still married to Don. The new agency is struggling to get on its own feet. Roger thinks Don should have a talk with a more sympathetic person and the Wall Street Journal is suggested. The second article is much better than the first one.

Thanksgiving is approaching. Preparations at the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce agency include a sort of staged incident that will be carried in the Daily News about two housewives fighting over a ham, a Sugarberry ham, a brand is represented by the agency. Peggy is the one that came up with the idea, so she and Joey are responsible for its success, or failure of the human interest story in the paper. Peggy is right by going ahead with her idea.

Thanksgiving day dinner at Henry Francis' mother gathers the newly wed couple with his family. The mother is not too keen on Betty. Sitting the children at the same table with the grown-ups prove to be a disaster as Sally Draper becomes disruptive during dinner. Mrs. Francis is horrified, feeling her son has made a mistake by marrying Betty. Don, on the other hand, has to be contented with going out with Bethany, a striking woman that seems to care for him.

Phil Abraham directed the first episode of the 4th season. Some of the people we saw last season are not back, notably Ken, Sal and Paul. The only ones that remain are Pete Campbell and Harry Crane. The principal players are still around, mainly Jon Hamm, who is the heart of the show. John Slattery, Christina Hendricks, Elisabeth Moss, Vincen Kartheiser, and January Jones. This chapter was written by the creator of the show, Matthew Weiner.

The basic premise still works, something that makes this series the hit it became because of the frankness of the situation and the recreation of that not too long era of the early 1960s in New York.
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