A thorough documentary on Darwin, with some drama
17 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a number of Darwin documentaries, but I think if I had to recommend just one, it would be this series.

If I could pick two others to present it with, they would be:

* Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (2009) - a brief show that I think is the only one to actually include an overall story of life on earth

* Darwin's Struggle: The Evolution of the Origin of Species (2009) - this covers Darwin's life at Down House, and I think is a better technical example of filmmaking, more pleasant to watch, although a bit lighter on the details due to being shorter.

But Darwin's Brave New World covers Darwin from the start of his Beagle voyage (which to my surprise did NOT head back home after visiting the Galapagos), through his time at Down House, and involving his friendships with several other figures who made On the Origin of Species possible, right up to all of their deaths. It's as complete a documentary as you're going to get on Darwin.

I have only two complaints, which are: While I can tolerate the drama, I think at times it was there just to pad out what might have been a 2-episode series. But it wasn't entirely a bad thing, and did bring a sense of being there. I'd like to know what the source of the dialogue was. A documentary really should make this clear, for each scene.

The CGI was laughable at times, and entirely unnecessary. I doubt Darwin imagined his children suddenly regressing into monkeys right at the kitchen table, and this is not how his theory worked in any case. While I can't for certain say it was Canada's fault, I will say we have a long tradition of making really bad made-for-TV shows with cheesy CGI just like this, to unlock federal and provincial funding. So I'll apologize as if it is our fault, because we surely have a lot else to apologize for anyway.
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