Review of Alamar

Alamar (2009)
The Noble Savage Revisited - a male chauvinist view
26 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is so easy to criticize this film that I won't do it. I mean, say things like 'involuntarily looking at someone's holiday pictures', 'no storyline whatsoever', 'failed comparison of nature vs city life' (where's the city life?), 'glacial pace', 'eco-rubbish', 'an inverted beauty and the beast' and you're probably right. Me, I'm just glad I was already divorced before I got to see this film. If I had gone to the theater with the x-Mrs, she'd be off about five minutes into the film, only to reappear about three months later. We'd then have the following conversation:

'Where have YOU been?'

'Away. Don't look so angry. I can do as I please, can't I?'

'Well, if you pay for it yourself.'

'See, that's how you do it, always playing on your power. That's pathetic, really.'

'I hear you went to Mexico.'

'No I didn't. It's not your business anyway.'

'Your friend Julia showed me a postcard you sent her. Rather it was a photograph of you and some guy who seemed familiar to me.'

'That's no business of yours. How dare you invade my privacy!'

'I didn't. I didn't exactly ask to be shown that picture. Anyhow, what were you up to? Also, you're not pregnant, are you?'

'How can I be, if you won't sleep with me?'

'How can I, if you're off to Mexico? Now will you please tell me what went on?'

'I can't, I'm frightened and I think you're going to hit me. I'm off to the women's lib!'

I'm lucky to have gotten off without financial consequences. That was money well spent, on that expensive lawyer. Anyhow, if you'll excuse me. I have just decided to switch my genes to gay mode. I'm off to some island somewhere, to spend the rest of my life fishing, drinking moonshine and getting a nice tan. The gay stuff is a bit repulsive, but I might get used to it. I mean, I used to get used to a woman, how bad can it get?


(to those who think this is not a film review: 'Alamar' is a film about the child of an Italian woman and a Mexican fisherman. The film is no more than a series of shots of life in Mexico. The man is extremely good looking, very athletic and tanned and, well, attractive. The film really focuses quite heavily on his physical features, which contrast rather starkly to those of the woman. From here you can go back to the beginning of my review.)
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