The Misfits (1961)
Not Huston's best, but moving and quite beautiful
23 January 2011
The Misfits is not a John Huston classic, but I quite like it. Is it flawed? Yes, it is overlong, it is very slow sometimes and while easy to admire it isn't a movie I can enjoy fully. Is it good? Yes, and I think pretty underrated too. The Misfits does look very nice and Alex North's music is beautiful. The script is thought-provoking and moving, Huston's direction is great and the story is interesting and well-told. The cast are excellent too, The Misfits was both Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe's last films, and this film is an affectionate enough tribute to them. Both are splendid, while Montgomerry Clift and Eli Wallach also impress. All in all, moving and beautiful but falls short of classic status. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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