The Hitchhiker: Minuteman (1987)
Season 4, Episode 2
A neat episode that offers a welcome and refreshing upbeat break from this show's usual dark format
19 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Overbearing control freak Jeremy (a solid performance by John Shea) and his long-suffering wife Julie (well played by Alexandra Paul) are a squabbling young rich couple who encounter unexpected trouble in the form of scruffy biker G.R. (a genuinely menacing portrayal by Dean Hallo) and his pregnant girlfriend Cheryl Ann (cute Nancy Isaak) while embarking on a road trip to Sunnyvale. Can a surprise journey through time enable the obsessive Jeremy to successfully avert a tragic disaster? Director Chris Thomson and writer Thomas Baum deliver a nifty and enjoyable change-of-pace episode with a cool sci-fi hook that makes a sound central statement on how getting too caught up with order and punctuality can poison one's soul and suck all the fun and spontaneity out of life. The main character of Jeremy starts out as an initially unlikeable jerk before eventually becoming more appealing when he overcomes his intrinsic wimpiness and anal retentive nature in the last third of this show. Moreover, this is one of the few episodes of this often grim series to conclude on a positive and optimistic note. Ron Orieux's sharp cinematography gives this episode an attractive bright look. The moody score by Shuki Levy and Haim Saban also does the trick. An admirably different and out of the ordinary episode.
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